The last time I wrote about LifeVantage was mostly about the supplement, Protandim. I was new to it, newly experiencing changes in my health that I desperately needed, and uber excited. Now here we are more than 6 months later. So much has happened since then! I am still uber excited, but for more than just the positive changes in my health! I am still experiencing all the things I discussed in my previous post, plus a few more. For example, I've had a small spot of psoriasis on the back of my scalp for as long as I can remember. I can recall as a small girl when it would flare up I would sometimes scratch it until it bled, just trying to get the itching to stop for a few minutes! Shortly after my last post on this subject, I realized that that spot hadn't itched in quite a while. Even when we visited my family in Texas and ate very poorly (you know, junk food and the holidays!) nothing! No itching at all! So another positive change in my health! Obviously, we are not allowed to make claims (aside from the fact that it reduces oxidative stress in 100% of people by 40% or more within 30 days! FDA approved statement, that!); I'm not saying it was definitely the Protandim that has done all of these amazing things for me. But! It is the only thing I've been doing differently during this time period. So infer as you may.
The title of this post, by the way, is an indirect quote I heard from someone at a meeting the other night (she said she was quoting from "Wall Street"-something but I don't want to make assumptions since I didn't quite catch where she was saying it came from).
You know what else has been truly incredible about being involved in this company? The business! The people! When we got involved initially with this company it was for the product, and the product alone. We wanted to take the Protandim ourselves and use the TrueScience (skin cream containing the ingredients of Protandim plus a few others). We also really wanted to be able to offer this product to David's clients, so we chose to become involved with the company as a business on the off-chance that we might actually make some money at the same time that we help people by getting them started on the products. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever been blessed enough to be a part of, and as Jackie Sheppard (Pro 8, research expert on metabolism/learning disabilities in adolescents) says, I would work for this company for free, I've seen such amazing things happen! It is absolutely true. The money is a very positive side benefit though and I am so incredibly thankful that God has brought this opportunity to us, and that He brought it now, when we needed it so badly. I am not exaggerating when I say we were getting into a desperate situation and needed something else. Something consistent and meaningful that we could count on. David's business is getting a slow start in this awful economy and we would not be making it financially right now if it were not for this company. I just can't even tell you how blessed we feel to be a part of it, here and now. We have seen so many people benefit from the products and the business. This company is literally changing peoples lives, and it is indescribable to get to be a part of that, to get to be God's instrument in bringing better physical and financial health to so many friends and family, and even total strangers. And because so many of our friends are involved too, it gives us even more opportunity to spend time with them, get to know them even better, and be blessings to one another helping each other learn and grow in the business. It's just plain old FUN to do.
I just... I feel like these words are so inadequate. How can I make you all understand how I truly feel about this experience? What a... rewarding and amazing thing God has brought to us, giving us the ability to help so many. People that we would have no chance to be helping otherwise! We have people signed up we don't even know at all, people in Canada, for Pete's sake! And this just keeps getting bigger and bigger, reaching more and more people, helping more and more people. A friend of ours in the business is a missionary and he says he is excited about this opportunity partially because it gives him the ability to help so many more than he'd be able to otherwise, even with all his years of mission work. And he's doing well enough in the company that he is able to fund many other missionaries, and will eventually be able to get back into the field himself, due to God's provision through LifeVantage.
So, so good. And so, so fun. :)
As anyone living in a Western, Industrialized culture, there are so many questions about what will or will not produce optimal health and wellness. Our goal should be not just to survive, but to thrive. To live vibrantly. The purpose of this blog is to document my family's attempts at improving our quality of life and encourage us all to begin making the little changes that will protect our health and the health of future generations.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The Goodness of Liver
I love liver. Love it. What's that you say? I'm crazy? Well. Maybe. Crazy or not, I love it. I like it prepared all sorts of ways. Chicken liver pâté is one of the best foods ever, especially with rice crackers. There are a lot of health benefits to eating liver, too, so if you can find a way to enjoy (or at least not dislike) it, do! It's inexpensive, to boot, due to American's general distaste for it, so you can have one of the most nutrient dense foods around for an average of less than $3/lb (here it's around $2.75/lb or so unless we're talking chicken liver, then it's around $1.50/lb). Most cultures actually prize liver for its great health benefits. I even read about one culture that views it so highly humans cannot touch it with their hands! They have special sticks that they move it about with. That may be taking it way too far, but the cultures that prize liver above steak really know their stuff. Liver contains more nutrients gram for gram than any other food in the world. See why it's so special? In cultures where food is more scarce than America, the most nutrient dense foods are rightly the most sought after. Liver is high in:
Vitamin A
Vitamin K
B Vitamins
And more! And all of these nutrients are highly bio-available in liver, too, truly making it the best natural source of these nutrients.
The Weston A Price foundation writes, "Liver’s as-yet-unidentified anti-fatigue factor makes it a favorite with athletes and bodybuilders. The factor was described by Benjamin K. Ershoff, PhD, in a July 1951 article published in the Proceedings for the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine.
Ershoff divided laboratory rats into three groups. The first ate a basic diet, fortified with 11 vitamins. The second ate the same diet, along with an additional supply of vitamin B complex. The third ate the original diet, but instead of vitamin B complex received 10 percent of rations as powdered liver.
Spicy Liver & Onions
Serves 2
Two slices beef liver, approximately 4oz each
around 1/4 cup rice flour
Seasoned Salt
1 med/lrg onion, sliced
1-2 jalapeno peppers, sliced
2-3 tbsp coconut oil
Pinch of brown sugar
Preheat a skillet with coconut oil in it to medium heat; combine rice flour with a few shakes of Seasoned Salt (I envision myself sprinkling the Seasoned Salt on either side of each slice of liver, to get the appropriate amount; this has worked great for me so I never bother to measure). Dredge both sides of the liver in flour/salt mixture. When pan is hot, add liver. Allow to cook, undisturbed around 3-4 minutes, depending on the heat of your stove. Lift a side and check for dark/golden brown color. Once it's dark/golden flip it and cook it another 2-3 minutes or until the same color on that side. Remove from pan to a cooling rack. Add sliced onion to the pan, along with the pinch of brown sugar. Allow to cook until they begin to soften, then add jalapenos and continue to cook a few more minutes or until jalapenos begin to lose their bright green color. Top liver with onion/jalapenos and serve immediately. Delish!
Vitamin A
Vitamin K
B Vitamins
And more! And all of these nutrients are highly bio-available in liver, too, truly making it the best natural source of these nutrients.
The Weston A Price foundation writes, "Liver’s as-yet-unidentified anti-fatigue factor makes it a favorite with athletes and bodybuilders. The factor was described by Benjamin K. Ershoff, PhD, in a July 1951 article published in the Proceedings for the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine.
Ershoff divided laboratory rats into three groups. The first ate a basic diet, fortified with 11 vitamins. The second ate the same diet, along with an additional supply of vitamin B complex. The third ate the original diet, but instead of vitamin B complex received 10 percent of rations as powdered liver.
A 1975 article published in Prevention magazine described the experiment as follows: "After several weeks, the animals were placed one by one into a drum of cold water from which they could not climb out. They literally were forced to sink or swim. Rats in the first group swam for an average 13.3 minutes before giving up. The second group, which had the added fortifications of B vitamins, swam for an average of 13.4 minutes. Of the last group of rats, the ones receiving liver, three swam for 63, 83 and 87 minutes. The other nine rats in this group were still swimming vigorously at the end of two hours when the test was terminated. Something in the liver had prevented them from becoming exhausted. To this day scientists have not been able to pin a label on this anti-fatigue factor."
Isn't that fascinating? I think so. Eating 4 oz of liver twice weekly is ideal. David and I try to make that goal and recently I came up with a new method for preparing liver that even he loves, whereas before he ate it because he knew it was healthy, not because he thoroughly enjoyed it. The "recipe" is a little vague, because that's just the way I cook, but I'll share it anyway and whatever slight variations you may make, I'm sure it will still be delicious as well as nutritious!
Spicy Liver & Onions
Serves 2
Two slices beef liver, approximately 4oz each
around 1/4 cup rice flour
Seasoned Salt
1 med/lrg onion, sliced
1-2 jalapeno peppers, sliced
2-3 tbsp coconut oil
Pinch of brown sugar
Preheat a skillet with coconut oil in it to medium heat; combine rice flour with a few shakes of Seasoned Salt (I envision myself sprinkling the Seasoned Salt on either side of each slice of liver, to get the appropriate amount; this has worked great for me so I never bother to measure). Dredge both sides of the liver in flour/salt mixture. When pan is hot, add liver. Allow to cook, undisturbed around 3-4 minutes, depending on the heat of your stove. Lift a side and check for dark/golden brown color. Once it's dark/golden flip it and cook it another 2-3 minutes or until the same color on that side. Remove from pan to a cooling rack. Add sliced onion to the pan, along with the pinch of brown sugar. Allow to cook until they begin to soften, then add jalapenos and continue to cook a few more minutes or until jalapenos begin to lose their bright green color. Top liver with onion/jalapenos and serve immediately. Delish!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Apple-Pear Spice Muffins
This time of year it is impossible not to want to enjoy those warm, nostalgic fall foods like apple pies, muffins, chicken and dumplings! But what are you to do if you're now eating grain-free? You can call it a fad-diet if you want to (and many do), but what anyone who has suffered themselves to go grain-free knows is that it is worth it, and while it may in fact be the current fad, for those of us who are serious about our health, we'll likely be avoiding grains to varying degrees for the rest of our lives!
But. As healthy as I believe going grain-free is I still want those comfort foods from my childhood that we'd bake in the fall; those things that filled the entire house with their intoxicating scent, and warmed the very cockles of our hearts (seriously, my cockles are warming and fuzzy just thinking about the autumn delights of days gone by!). All the lovelies filled with the sweet warmth of cinnamon and ginger, the apples and pears baked to perfection in golden flaky crusts; so soft and tender (never mushy), the pumpkins and even the savory stews slow cooked in the crock pot until the meat was so tender you could cut it with a spoon, and served with a huge homemade biscuit, so fluffy and buttery you could eat it plain. Ah, those were the days! Ignorant bliss! When I thought that eating a whole wheat cracker was one of the healthiest things I could do for myself! *sigh*
Yesterday was rather chilly (though nothing compared to today! 2PM and 45 degrees!) and put me in such a mood for all things autumnal. I lit pie scented candles, I brewed spiced pumpkin coffee, and then when those things were not enough to satisfy, I threw together a recipe for grain-free muffins that were certain to assuage my need for sweet spiced perfection! I based it on my chocolate muffin recipe but omitted the chocolate and replaced it with a variety of spices. I also left out the flax because I'm running low and have two orders to fulfill for my Etsy shop on Monday morning. So really there is very little about it that is the same as my chocolate muffin recipe, but I digress! Back to the yummies at hand: By the time I was halfway through and had all the dry ingredients combined I was ready to sit down and eat it just as it was, so sweet and spicy was the dry mixture! Yes I did taste it. This is how one must bake when they bake without a recipe in hand, you see? So without further blatherings, here is the thing that you desire:
Apple-Pear Spice Muffins
Dry Ingredients:
6 tbsp almond flour (I like Honeyville Grains blanched almond flour best)
1 tbsp coconut flour
3 tbsp stevia powder (I use Stevia in the Raw)
2 tbsp Ideal Brown (Ideal brand is the only one I know of that makes "brown sugar" xylitol)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ginger
pinch of allspice
Combine dry ingredients together, set aside.
Wet Ingredients:
1 egg
2 tbsp chunky applesauce
1 tbsp butter, melted
1 tsp molasses*
1/2 -1 tsp vanilla
2 slices of pear, cut into small chunks (I had small homegrown pears on hand from a friend and used the half that didn't have bug holes in it, but I think that half of a pear would work out to about 2 slices of a regular sized/store bought pear)
Combine wet ingredients in a small bowl, including pear. Combine with dry ingredients and spoon into prepared mini muffin cups. I didn't grease my liners and perhaps should have; the muffins did stick just a bit to them, though not terribly.
Also, I realize that the Ideal Brown is not a common household product, even for those who try to keep their sugar intake low. I have it because of my etsy shop, but if you don't have it as I suspect, you could use regular xylitol, or other sweetener of choice and add just a tad more molasses and it ought to turn out well.
Yield: 12-14 mini muffins
*I am aware that I called these sugar free and then added molasses, but 1 tsp only has about 3 1/2g sugar in it, so divided between 12-14 muffins, I think that still qualifies.
But. As healthy as I believe going grain-free is I still want those comfort foods from my childhood that we'd bake in the fall; those things that filled the entire house with their intoxicating scent, and warmed the very cockles of our hearts (seriously, my cockles are warming and fuzzy just thinking about the autumn delights of days gone by!). All the lovelies filled with the sweet warmth of cinnamon and ginger, the apples and pears baked to perfection in golden flaky crusts; so soft and tender (never mushy), the pumpkins and even the savory stews slow cooked in the crock pot until the meat was so tender you could cut it with a spoon, and served with a huge homemade biscuit, so fluffy and buttery you could eat it plain. Ah, those were the days! Ignorant bliss! When I thought that eating a whole wheat cracker was one of the healthiest things I could do for myself! *sigh*
Yesterday was rather chilly (though nothing compared to today! 2PM and 45 degrees!) and put me in such a mood for all things autumnal. I lit pie scented candles, I brewed spiced pumpkin coffee, and then when those things were not enough to satisfy, I threw together a recipe for grain-free muffins that were certain to assuage my need for sweet spiced perfection! I based it on my chocolate muffin recipe but omitted the chocolate and replaced it with a variety of spices. I also left out the flax because I'm running low and have two orders to fulfill for my Etsy shop on Monday morning. So really there is very little about it that is the same as my chocolate muffin recipe, but I digress! Back to the yummies at hand: By the time I was halfway through and had all the dry ingredients combined I was ready to sit down and eat it just as it was, so sweet and spicy was the dry mixture! Yes I did taste it. This is how one must bake when they bake without a recipe in hand, you see? So without further blatherings, here is the thing that you desire:
Apple-Pear Spice Muffins
Dry Ingredients:
6 tbsp almond flour (I like Honeyville Grains blanched almond flour best)
1 tbsp coconut flour
3 tbsp stevia powder (I use Stevia in the Raw)
2 tbsp Ideal Brown (Ideal brand is the only one I know of that makes "brown sugar" xylitol)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ginger
pinch of allspice
Combine dry ingredients together, set aside.
Wet Ingredients:
1 egg
2 tbsp chunky applesauce
1 tbsp butter, melted
1 tsp molasses*
1/2 -1 tsp vanilla
2 slices of pear, cut into small chunks (I had small homegrown pears on hand from a friend and used the half that didn't have bug holes in it, but I think that half of a pear would work out to about 2 slices of a regular sized/store bought pear)
Combine wet ingredients in a small bowl, including pear. Combine with dry ingredients and spoon into prepared mini muffin cups. I didn't grease my liners and perhaps should have; the muffins did stick just a bit to them, though not terribly.
Also, I realize that the Ideal Brown is not a common household product, even for those who try to keep their sugar intake low. I have it because of my etsy shop, but if you don't have it as I suspect, you could use regular xylitol, or other sweetener of choice and add just a tad more molasses and it ought to turn out well.
Yield: 12-14 mini muffins
*I am aware that I called these sugar free and then added molasses, but 1 tsp only has about 3 1/2g sugar in it, so divided between 12-14 muffins, I think that still qualifies.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
On The Subject of Kale
Yes, that is what our "grass" looks like right now (sorry I've fallen victim to the demon Instagram; I'm trying hard not to over-use the filters and such -- but they're awful fun!). Pretty sad, I know (and no, it has nothing to do with kale, but I just had to mention it because it makes my plant loving heart so sad to see it looking like this!). And a dramatic difference from last year when it looked like this at the end of summer (and we thought the little drought we went through last year was tough):
So lush and green! And my herbs (behind my in-laws cat that yes, is about to attack my sweet little puppy) looked lush and wonderful, too, whereas this year they're barely hanging on and constantly wilted and pathetic. It all makes me sad. We desperately need rain. And lots of it. There are cracks in the ground outside big enough to lose our dog in, just about. I've nearly twisted my ankle in them a couple times, too. Gotta be careful out there!
There are all kinds of ways to make kale chips; if you look online you'll find many methods from high heat for a short time, to low heat for a long time, and all kinds of seasons and oils and the list goes on. I've experimented a lot with making kale chips though, and have pinned down my favorite method. Here it is for you, so you can avoid some of the trial and error I experienced trying to perfect the kale chip!
Kale Chips
One bunch of kale
pepper (optional)
olive oil
Preheat oven to 250°F.
Cut or tear the kale off the stems into bite small sized pieces (but keep in mind they will shrink considerably while baking, so don't make them too small, unless you want kale crumbs). Small stems can be left (such as tips of leaves and very small leaves), but if they're very big they'll be very hard and difficult to chew. Toss kale in just enough olive oil to evenly coat both sides of the leaves. Work it with your hands for a minute or two until it all looks glossy -- add more olive oil if necessary. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and work the leaves again to make sure they're evenly coated. Spread out onto a cookie sheet or in the bottom of a baking dish, being careful that you don't layer them thickly, or you'll have some leaves stay soggy! Bake at 250° until crisp to the touch. Remove from oven and allow them to cool briefly before you eat them; they'll crisp up even more as they cool! Be careful too, not to let them overcook; if they start to turn brown they're getting overdone and will taste bitter. I bake mine for 20-30 minutes (depending on the size of the bunch) in my convection oven, so if you have a traditional oven adjust your time accordingly!
And now you know how to make one of the yummiest and healthiest snacks EVAR! Go you!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Gardeny Talk
I think it's time for a brief garden update! Back in February I posted about getting my garden started early since it had been such a warm winter. Here is the list I had hoped to get planted in early spring:
My kale is still going strong and we've been eating kale for months now. Love me some kale! I even got to sell a little bit of my kale to some ladies at church and that was a huge blessing because I really needed a little extra money that week for groceries! So it was perfect timing, as usual. God always brings us what we need just when we need it!
I managed to get all of those things planted, except the leeks and garlic. Despite what the packaging from the garlic I bought last year said, I really do think it's best to plant garlic in the fall. It might grow if you plant it in the springtime, but Autumn is better. I didn't even bother to buy any garlic seed when it was out this year (WHY do they only sell it in the spring if it's best planted in the fall?!), and that worked out to be an excellent decision, as a friend of ours dug up part of his massive garlic patch to give to us. We have been using the bulbs for cooking and I saved all the seed for sowing in the fall. I am excited! I plan on planting a garlic barrier all around my garden. He gave me enough seed to probably get two sides well covered, and I'll do the other two sides the following year. Exciting! I'm a garlic freak. :)
I harvested tons of radishes this spring, but most of them were too tough to eat. We spent some time visiting my family in Texas around the time they should have been harvested and extended our trip once we were there, and it was just a little too long for my poor radishes to go. We ate what we could and tossed the rest, and I let a few continue to grow so I could harvest my own radish seeds!
My potatoes are doing very poorly. I think this is my fault because I thought for a while that the sprinkler was reaching them, but it wasn't. For anyone who lives under a rock and doesn't know, we've been having a severe drought and haven't seen more than a few drops of rain in 2-3 months now I think. Combined with temperatures that are slightly above average and you have some seriously struggling gardens (and yards and forests, and lawn mower repairmen). My one potted tomato is constantly curled up and shriveling despite the fact that I do water it often.
So yes, I have tomatoes too. They're not doing nearly as well as my tomatoes did last year, despite the fact that bugs have been a nearly non-existent problem (praise the Lord for that blessing!) I also planted cucumbers, yellow summer squash, swiss chard, and Piel De Sapo or "Toad Skin Melon".
Toad Skin Melon in Progress |
This week I am hoping to plant some more lettuce for the fall garden, and then a couple weeks after I'll plant more kale, radishes, chard, and hopefully some carrots! Hopefully someday I'll get a cold frame, too so we can have lettuce even further into the cold months!
As soon as my cucumbers are big enough to harvest, I'll be trying out this method of harvest and let you know what happens: "When a cucumber is taken from the vine let it be cut with a knife, leaving about an eighth of an inch of the cucumber on the stem, then slit the stem with the knife from its end to the vine leaving a small portion of the cucumber on each division and on each separate slip there will be a new cucumber as large as the first."
So there is my gardeny update. How are your gardens doing this summer?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Spicy Peach Salsa
You must try this. Must! I got it into my head tonight that our kielbasa could use a little somethin' and this is what I came up with:
A lot of people make peach salsa without cooking it down. I'm sure that's delicious but I love the texture of cooked peaches, so I chose to cook mine down. Here is what I used to make this amazing condiment (it's so good I want to eat it like it's the main course!):
6-8 small peaches (they were very small - but oh so delicious - picked from a friends tree), diced
1 med/lrg garden fresh tomato
Jalapeno pepper
Cayenne Pepper
My peaches were sweet enough and bursting with flavor, so I didn't add any sweetener. You might want to if your peaches aren't as ripe as mine were (mine were actually over-ripe). Nothing is as good as sweet and spicy! I also left the peach skins on, but that's optional. I put the cut peaches in my saucepan and added around 3/4 cup water and let them simmer until soft and easy to mash. As they cooked I sliced up my jalapeno pepper (I only had one since I used all the others for dinner last night but if you are buying yours from the store or have more in your garden than I did, use them! They're delicious with the sweet peaches), tomato (again, I only had one from the garden today), and some cilantro. All of this is just to taste, so keep tasting as you make this salsa and add stuff until it tastes how you want! After I slightly mashed the peaches I added the pepper, tomato, and a pinch of salt and a LOT of cayenne (I wanted it speecy spicy), and let it simmer for just a couple more minutes. Took it off the heat, added a little more cilantro, and let it sit to cool. Now I just have practice great self-control as I wait for dinner to be ready before I can devour it.
Spicy Peach Salsa
A lot of people make peach salsa without cooking it down. I'm sure that's delicious but I love the texture of cooked peaches, so I chose to cook mine down. Here is what I used to make this amazing condiment (it's so good I want to eat it like it's the main course!):
6-8 small peaches (they were very small - but oh so delicious - picked from a friends tree), diced
1 med/lrg garden fresh tomato
Jalapeno pepper
Cayenne Pepper
My peaches were sweet enough and bursting with flavor, so I didn't add any sweetener. You might want to if your peaches aren't as ripe as mine were (mine were actually over-ripe). Nothing is as good as sweet and spicy! I also left the peach skins on, but that's optional. I put the cut peaches in my saucepan and added around 3/4 cup water and let them simmer until soft and easy to mash. As they cooked I sliced up my jalapeno pepper (I only had one since I used all the others for dinner last night but if you are buying yours from the store or have more in your garden than I did, use them! They're delicious with the sweet peaches), tomato (again, I only had one from the garden today), and some cilantro. All of this is just to taste, so keep tasting as you make this salsa and add stuff until it tastes how you want! After I slightly mashed the peaches I added the pepper, tomato, and a pinch of salt and a LOT of cayenne (I wanted it speecy spicy), and let it simmer for just a couple more minutes. Took it off the heat, added a little more cilantro, and let it sit to cool. Now I just have practice great self-control as I wait for dinner to be ready before I can devour it.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Lists Make Me Happy
I love lists. I love organization. I love having tidy little places for every little thing. I'm a neat freak, okay? My heart skips a beat when I see a well organized drawer, pantry, closet, or whatever else. If I see a well-organized garage... be still my beating heart! There is little as beautiful as a well organized garage! I love the phrase, "A place for everything, and everything in its place". Yes, I am that person. I'd apologize, except that I'm so happy to be that person that I don't feel any sorrow at all. What I do feel sorry for is all of the people out there who aren't yet list-makers. Why? Because it makes life so much simpler. And simple is good, right?
Of course simple is good. You bet your sweet bippy it's good! We all have too much. Too much of everything. Too much stuff. Too much to do. Too much to remember! Just too, too much. So with all of those too muches in mind, why don't you start today? What is something you struggle to get done the way you'd like for it to be done? Is it your health? Make a list of the supplements you want to take, the exercise you want to do, even the things you want to avoid, or only allow yourself on special occasions. Make a list and then consult the list often. Is it your home? That's a biggie for most of us. It is difficult to keep a house clean. I don't have children yet, so it's just me and my husband at home and our little non-shedding doggy, Miso. "How much work can that be?" The frazzled mother of 4 may scoff. Let me tell you now, it's still a lot! Granted, you, mother of 4, have much more to work at and clean than I do. But I still have my fair share! My husband works from home so I get him pretty much 24/7. This has been a huge source of joy for me, especially being someone who does not like to be alone for extended periods and hasn't been blessed with children. But it also means dishes for two all day long, tracking in dirt for two all day long, and all the other things that accompany daily life.
So in order to keep up with things that sometimes fall through the cracks (such as wiping down baseboards and light switches), I found a simple chore chart and tailored it to my specific needs. This way nothing gets missed. All the basics are covered, leaving me not only feeling more relaxed about cleaning (because I know that even if there is a clump of dust bunnies in the corner on Monday morning, come Tuesday they'll be spinning down the vortex of dust bunny death), but more relaxed in general! I don't have to worry about remembering to make time to wipe my dogs nose art off the windows, because it's in my schedule every week and will get done. And because it's done weekly, it never gets to the point where I am embarrassed to have someone in my home. Nothing has time to smell bad, look yucky, or anything else. Surprise visitors are no longer feared or stressed over, but instead are easily welcomed without worry about the appearance of your home. Just take this basic idea and modify it to your needs. Do you do a lot of cooking in your oven that leaves greasy splatters behind? Schedule it to be cleaned more than monthly and never let it get to the point where cleaning it becomes a big ordeal. If you struggle to keep up with your home, schedule in every little thing from cleaning floors, to laundry, to kitty litter boxes. If you only need a little help, leave out whatever you feel you can. I didn't include laundry on my list because with only two people in the house I only have to do it about once a week and to be as energy efficient as possible, do it only when I have enough for a full load, so no set days for laundry for me (though it does typically fall on Monday/Tuesday)! But again, tailor to your personal needs!
My list here has me washing dishes after breakfast, and then after dinner washing up whatever is left-over at that point; I tend to wash dishes between 2 and 3 times per day, depending on how we eat that day, just to keep up with them. I hand wash everything, too, which does take me more time than it would if I just loaded into the dishwasher all day and then washed at night. But I try to use that time of hand washing to pray for friends and family (yes, try, which means I often fail and stand there washing dishes mindlessly), so it is definitely not wasted time! I do occasionally use the dishwasher though, if I get overwhelmed with the number of dishes to wash, feel unwell, or the like.
The pick-up basket is someone else's brain-child, and one I actually haven't implemented yet, at least not officially. Because it just the two of us, there are usually only a couple things out of place at the end of the day, thus the lack of official basket. But I still use the idea, even if I don't need a whole basket to perform the task, and I would highly recommend it! It's a very quick, easy way to keep your home free of that oppressive clutter!
The Chore of the Day can usually be done in around 15 minutes or so depending on the size of your home. We live in a small apartment with very few knick-knacks; one bedroom, one bathroom, an office, kitchen, and the living room. So I can do a lot of those chores in less than 15 minutes. Not to say I am done with housework in 15 minutes. Far from it! That's just for the Chore of the Day. There is still plenty to do after that. But this definitely makes it easier to be sure you've hit all the major points you want to clean regularly.
So what are you waiting for? Make up your own list, and see how much easier it can be to keep your house in shape!
Keep in mind, this schedule is for maintaining a clean home; not starting from scratch. If your home is very messy or highly cluttered, see my posts (part one and part two) on de-cluttering to get started!
Of course simple is good. You bet your sweet bippy it's good! We all have too much. Too much of everything. Too much stuff. Too much to do. Too much to remember! Just too, too much. So with all of those too muches in mind, why don't you start today? What is something you struggle to get done the way you'd like for it to be done? Is it your health? Make a list of the supplements you want to take, the exercise you want to do, even the things you want to avoid, or only allow yourself on special occasions. Make a list and then consult the list often. Is it your home? That's a biggie for most of us. It is difficult to keep a house clean. I don't have children yet, so it's just me and my husband at home and our little non-shedding doggy, Miso. "How much work can that be?" The frazzled mother of 4 may scoff. Let me tell you now, it's still a lot! Granted, you, mother of 4, have much more to work at and clean than I do. But I still have my fair share! My husband works from home so I get him pretty much 24/7. This has been a huge source of joy for me, especially being someone who does not like to be alone for extended periods and hasn't been blessed with children. But it also means dishes for two all day long, tracking in dirt for two all day long, and all the other things that accompany daily life.
So in order to keep up with things that sometimes fall through the cracks (such as wiping down baseboards and light switches), I found a simple chore chart and tailored it to my specific needs. This way nothing gets missed. All the basics are covered, leaving me not only feeling more relaxed about cleaning (because I know that even if there is a clump of dust bunnies in the corner on Monday morning, come Tuesday they'll be spinning down the vortex of dust bunny death), but more relaxed in general! I don't have to worry about remembering to make time to wipe my dogs nose art off the windows, because it's in my schedule every week and will get done. And because it's done weekly, it never gets to the point where I am embarrassed to have someone in my home. Nothing has time to smell bad, look yucky, or anything else. Surprise visitors are no longer feared or stressed over, but instead are easily welcomed without worry about the appearance of your home. Just take this basic idea and modify it to your needs. Do you do a lot of cooking in your oven that leaves greasy splatters behind? Schedule it to be cleaned more than monthly and never let it get to the point where cleaning it becomes a big ordeal. If you struggle to keep up with your home, schedule in every little thing from cleaning floors, to laundry, to kitty litter boxes. If you only need a little help, leave out whatever you feel you can. I didn't include laundry on my list because with only two people in the house I only have to do it about once a week and to be as energy efficient as possible, do it only when I have enough for a full load, so no set days for laundry for me (though it does typically fall on Monday/Tuesday)! But again, tailor to your personal needs!
My list here has me washing dishes after breakfast, and then after dinner washing up whatever is left-over at that point; I tend to wash dishes between 2 and 3 times per day, depending on how we eat that day, just to keep up with them. I hand wash everything, too, which does take me more time than it would if I just loaded into the dishwasher all day and then washed at night. But I try to use that time of hand washing to pray for friends and family (yes, try, which means I often fail and stand there washing dishes mindlessly), so it is definitely not wasted time! I do occasionally use the dishwasher though, if I get overwhelmed with the number of dishes to wash, feel unwell, or the like.
The pick-up basket is someone else's brain-child, and one I actually haven't implemented yet, at least not officially. Because it just the two of us, there are usually only a couple things out of place at the end of the day, thus the lack of official basket. But I still use the idea, even if I don't need a whole basket to perform the task, and I would highly recommend it! It's a very quick, easy way to keep your home free of that oppressive clutter!
The Chore of the Day can usually be done in around 15 minutes or so depending on the size of your home. We live in a small apartment with very few knick-knacks; one bedroom, one bathroom, an office, kitchen, and the living room. So I can do a lot of those chores in less than 15 minutes. Not to say I am done with housework in 15 minutes. Far from it! That's just for the Chore of the Day. There is still plenty to do after that. But this definitely makes it easier to be sure you've hit all the major points you want to clean regularly.
So what are you waiting for? Make up your own list, and see how much easier it can be to keep your house in shape!
Keep in mind, this schedule is for maintaining a clean home; not starting from scratch. If your home is very messy or highly cluttered, see my posts (part one and part two) on de-cluttering to get started!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Protandim in Real Life
So now that you know what Protandim does at a cellular level, let's talk about what that means to you and me. Keep in mind that this product is not intended to prevent or cure any disease or disorder. As a dietary supplement, it will never receive FDA approval like a drug would. The FDA has, however, given permission to say that Protandim reduces oxidative stress by an average of 40% in 100% of individuals who take it 100% of the time! This is incredible! No other supplement, drug, or food out there can make that claim. Not one! Taking Protandim for at least 30 days will reduce your oxidative stress. INCREDIBLE.
Aside from the many studies that have been published on Protandim (remember, not the individual ingredients, but the actual product itself!), the anecdotal evidence, the individual testimonies people are giving after getting on this supplement are enough to get anybody excited! Here are a few video testimonials on this incredible product, followed by my own testimonial (that I'm sure I'll be adding to as time goes on)!
Aside from the many studies that have been published on Protandim (remember, not the individual ingredients, but the actual product itself!), the anecdotal evidence, the individual testimonies people are giving after getting on this supplement are enough to get anybody excited! Here are a few video testimonials on this incredible product, followed by my own testimonial (that I'm sure I'll be adding to as time goes on)!
Protandim & PMS
Another amazing testimonial on Protandim
Another testimonial on Protandim and PMS/Menopausal symptoms
Protandim and aching joints, poor eye-sight, depression, brain-fog
For the guys: Protandim and weight lifting
Protandim and MS
If you want to view more amazing testimonials, do some searching on YouTube. There are a lot of them out there that range from sleep problems and brain fog to cancer and stroke recovery.
My personal experience with Protandim is still a work in progress. I have been on Protandim for 33 days. I am sleeping very well, but that's rarely been a problem for me. What is different is that I am waking up early in the morning and feeling invigorated and ready to start my day! I rarely sleep past 7AM anymore. And more than that, I am getting through the days without napping! That is rather something for me! The first several weeks I was on Protandim we were in Texas visiting family and I was having a hard time knowing what the Protandim was doing for me in the area of sleep and energy, because everyone fell ill while we were down there, and the incessant coughing from others in the house was keeping me up all night long. Looking back on that time though, I can't help but think it was the Protandim that helped me get through that time without being a total zombie. How else could someone who is extremely dependent on good rest get through 2 1/2 out of 3 weeks with extremely poor, interrupted sleep, without feeling lousy? I actually felt quite good, aside from the 2-3 days I had the cold that was going around. The most exciting thing to me thus far about the Protandim though is what I experienced during my period! I have had fertility problems since I got married. During our first year of marriage I got pregnant at least 3 times, only to miscarry each time, never making it past 9 weeks. In the 3 years since then I have not conceived again. We've tried all sorts of natural approaches, seen a hormone specialist/gyn, and nothing. No real improvement. As time has gone on, my periods have gotten worse and worse. They're too short. I experience spotting too early in my luteal phase (around 7-8DPO). I've had high testosterone, low progesterone, and high estrogen at various points. Every time we've managed to fix one hormone through natural approaches (nothing the doctor tried helped at all, and in fact only made things worse even though she used bio-identical hormones), it seemed that something else would go wrong. I typically have one day out of each period during which I experience debilitating cramps. It varies in strength and duration from month to month, but I always have at least a couple hours of severe pain, with the rest of that day being moderately painful. It had gotten to the point where I didn't want to leave the house on that day of my cycle, because I knew without a doubt that at some point I would be in severe pain, and I dreaded the thought that it could happen while I was in public. My second to last period was so painful I was in tears, completely unable to focus on anything besides the pain, and trying everything that's ever brought me even a second of relief (and I have a high pain tolerance!). This time? No spotting until I was 13 days past ovulation, and that only started 2 days before my period! I haven't experienced that in years! I also only experienced mild cramping during my period that could barely be classified as painful. They were uncomfortable, sure. But the actual pain? For probably less than 5 minutes, and even that was mild compared to usual. So am I a believer in Protandim now? You bet! I can't say that it is going to cure my infertility, but even if this was the total and full extent of it's effects on me, it would be worth every penny! Every. Single. Penny.
So who in your life needs this kind of life changing help? Can you think of anyone who experiences chronic pain, poor sleep, or has any one of several hundred diseases, some of which were listed in my previous post? Anyone who just wants to feel good and experience life to the fullest? If you can think of even one person, do them a favor and tell them about Protandim TODAY! Send them this video and then tell them to go to to learn more. To make a one-time purchase click on "SHOP", or to enroll as a preferred customer and save 20% on your purchases, click on "ENROLL"!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Changing Your Life
My husband wrote this for our business website recently, and I wanted to share it here to help you understand why we got involved with LifeVantage and what it can do for YOU!
In this day and age, most of us have heard of "free radicals" and "antioxidants." Free radicals are rogue molecules that cause damage to healthy cells. Over time, increased generation of free radicals causes oxidative stress, which can contribute to aging and disease. Oxidative stress in the body is analogous to the rusting of a car. The more oxidative exposure, the more things are going to break down, and that's true whether we're talking about cars or people.
Free radicals are not all bad, of course. We need them for proper immune function and for fighting infections, for instance. But when the production of oxidants (free radicals) outstrips the body's anti-oxidant production, aging and degeneration are sure to follow.
That's 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 free radicals per day, every day.
The world's top scientists are definitely aware of how important the connection is between oxidative stress and disease. If you check out (the government database of biomedical research), you'll find that oxidative stress has been a very hot topic in recent years. Typing in "oxidative stress" on PubMed returns an astounding 98,945 references to oxidative stress in the scientific literature! And the list is growing every day. Click the image below to see for yourself.
You can see by now that free radicals are a big deal. You might also understand now why "antioxidant" has become such a buzzword in our culture. There can be little doubt that antioxidants are important, since they're the only things standing in the way of a vast army of unrelenting free radicals and our easily damaged cells. Antioxidants are now popping up on labels everywhere – on cereal boxes, baby food, supplements, "superfood" fruit juices, and more. The idea is that if you can just eat enough antioxidants in your diet, maybe you can offset – or even reverse – oxidative stress, and thus aging and disease.
Of course it's true that a diet rich in whole-food antioxidants is good for you. There's plenty of research showing the advantages of consuming dietary antioxidant foods like blueberries, chocolate, and red wine. However, there's one little problem. Remember that number I mentioned earlier? The one with all the zeroes?
300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Free Radicals.
Per day. Every day.
The problem is that the antioxidants you eat (known as direct, or "exogenous" antioxidants), such as vitamin C or vitamin E, have very short-lived effectiveness. Each antioxidant molecule is able to eliminate around one free radical. Then it's done. One molecule of vitamin C takes out one free radical molecule. Understanding this, it's absolutely staggering to think of how many exogenous antioxidants one would have to consume each day in order to neutralize 300 sextillion free radicals.
To put it in perspective, you would have to consume 15 lbs of chocolate, or 375 oranges, or 87 glasses of red wine, or 120 vitamin C capsules (500 mg/cap).
No one can do this, of course. And it's a good thing that the body doesn't rely on only exogenous antioxidants. It turns out that the body also makes its own antioxidants. A few of the most prominent ones are known as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. These are super antioxidants, because they work a whole lot better than the antioxidants we eat. While a molecule vitamin C, for instance, can neutralize only one free radical molecule, one molecule of the body's self-made (endogenous) antioxidant SOD can neutralize one million free radicals. Impressed? But it gets better. The body's endogenous antioxidants neutralize one million free radicals per second, every second of every day.
The antioxidants you eat neutralize free radicals at a rate of 1:1.
The antioxidants you make neutralize free radicals at a rate of 1:1,000,000.
So would you rather focus on eating more antioxidants, or on finding ways to help your body produce more of its own antioxidants? The second option is literally one million times more effective.
Why Mess with a Good Thing?
But the inevitable question is, "If the body makes such great antioxidants, why is oxidative stress even a problem, and why do we need to do anything about it?"
One reason is simply that as we age, we become less efficient at producing these antioxidant enzymes. Meanwhile, free radical production simultaneously increases independently of the reduced antioxidant production. So we not only have increased free radicals to deal with, but we become less equipped to deal with them as time goes on.
In other words, for various reasons our bodies can't keep up with the amount of free radicals that we're exposed to on a daily basis. We're falling short of producing the amount of antioxidant enzymes that we really need for living in today's world. And this is why eating blueberries, raspberries, chocolate, and red wine can be somewhat helpful. It helps to offset some of the free radical damage that the body can't keep up with on its own. But it's not the only way to fight back, and it's certainly not the best way. It doesn't even come close to dealing with the problem in a seriously significant way.
Harness the Power of Your Genes
What's a better way of dealing with this massive problem of oxidative stress? Instead of consuming obscene amounts of antioxidant supplements or foods, imagine if you could just "tell" your genes to start producing optimal amounts of those endogenous antioxidants we talked about earlier: SOD, catalase, and glutathione. This would definitely be the preferable option.
Protandim does exactly that. Its combination of five natural ingredients activates a transcription factor (a special kind of signaling protein) called Nrf2 that tells your genes to increase their production of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic enzymes!
This effect is so profound that a peer-reviewed study in 2006 showed that Protandim could reduce levels of oxidative stress in the body down to the level of a 20 year old! By the end of the study, the researchers could no longer tell a difference between the levels of oxidative stress of the 20 year old and that of the 80 year old! In other words, do you remember the age-dependent increase in oxidative stress that I mentioned earlier?
Protandim completely eliminated that. In 30 days.

So was I. As a naturopathic doctor, I work in a field that is rife with charlatans, unproven claims, and worthless products. It has always been my goal to show my clients that “alternative medicine” can be just as science-based and rational as any other legitimate discipline.
So when I was introduced to Protandim, my immediate response was skepticism. Why? Because that’s my default predisposition when it comes to evaluating new supplements. And I think that’s a healthy predisposition to have in this business. It has to prove itself to me and meet my criteria for a promising preventative or therapeutic agent before I will give it my endorsement.
As a skeptic, I checked out Protandim as objectively as possible. In a market that is absolutely bloated with antioxidant and anti-aging type supplements, I honestly wasn’t too thrilled at the prospect of looking into yet another one, and I wasn’t expecting that I would find much, if anything, that was new or uniquely useful.
Boy was I wrong.
On, I found 10 peer-reviewed studies on Protandim. Not on the individual ingredients, but on the actual product itself, with the name of the supplement right in the studies.
Almost all of this research was funded, not by LifeVantage (the company that makes Protandim), but by the universities and institutions that were actually conducting the research. So almost all of the studies on Protandim were independently-funded, and the conclusions of these studies were overwhelmingly favorable:
Independent Investigation
I wasn’t the only one who was skeptical at first. When the broadcasting empire ABC caught wind of the patent claims of Protandim (of which there are now four), they decided to send investigative reporter John Quiñones to set the record straight.
Quiñones subjected himself to blood testing to measure his levels of oxidative stress. Would Protandim do what the patents claimed it could do? After just two weeks, he tested again.
The result? His levels of oxidative stress fell by 45%. This is precisely what the patents claim, and is exactly within the range we would predict based on the human clinical trial, where oxidative stress was reduced by an average of 40%.
“I am sleeping better – I feel a lot better – and also energized when I wake up.” (Extra, 2005)
But don’t take my word for it. Watch the incredible ABC Primetime investigation here:
Still Skeptical?
Wanting to be thorough, I decided to do a little experiment of my own. I wanted to see firsthand if Protandim would reduce oxidative stress in one of my clients. She had a serum TBARS test done, the same type of test that was used in the original research. Here are the results prior to starting the Protandim:
As you can see, the lipid peroxides (TBARS) are slightly above average, indicating increasing levels of oxidative stress.
As you can see, oxidative stress has plummeted! In just over 30 days, oxidative stress declined by 46%. How's that for proof?
Once I saw the research, watched the ABC investigation, talked to numerous people who were using the product (including other practitioners), and did my own before/after testing, I knew that this was something I needed for myself, for my family, and for my clients.
This supplement is revolutionary, and it is credible. Did I mention that the formulator of Protandim is none other than Dr. Joe McCord, the discoverer of superoxide dismutase, and the father of the field of free radical biology? In 1997 he won the Elliott Cresson Medal for his discovery of free radical reactions in living organisms. Dr. McCord has been researching free radicals for over 40 years, and has published 138 peer-reviewed papers in the scientific literature.
Definitely not a “fly by night” scientist looking to make a quick buck on a hyped up supplement.
Do you want to reduce your levels of oxidative stress? Here’s a list of conditions that are associated with oxidative stress:
Alzheimer’s Disease
The science shows that Protandim reduces oxidative stress by 40%, in every person, every time.
Oxidative stress is implicated with all of the above diseases and over a hundred more.
Will Protandim “cure” or “prevent” diseases caused by oxidative stress? I certainly can’t make those kinds of claims, and besides, that kind of science hasn’t been done yet. But are you going to wait to find out? Again, oxidative stress causes disease, and Protandim dramatically reduces oxidative stress. If you want to take a supplement that holds enormous promise in the fight against aging and disease, look no further than Protandim.
I am a proud distributor of Protandim, a revolutionary herbal supplement that has been proven in peer-reviewed, human clinical trials to reduce measures of oxidative stress by an average of 40% in every person, every time. For this reason and more, I believe that Protandim represents a true scientific breakthrough; a revolutionary nutritional technology that has the potential to make much of what came before it obsolete. No more mega antioxidant therapy. No more "super juices." Protandim is a true "replacement technology" in the wide world of supplements.
What is Oxidative Stress?
In this day and age, most of us have heard of "free radicals" and "antioxidants." Free radicals are rogue molecules that cause damage to healthy cells. Over time, increased generation of free radicals causes oxidative stress, which can contribute to aging and disease. Oxidative stress in the body is analogous to the rusting of a car. The more oxidative exposure, the more things are going to break down, and that's true whether we're talking about cars or people.
Free radicals are not all bad, of course. We need them for proper immune function and for fighting infections, for instance. But when the production of oxidants (free radicals) outstrips the body's anti-oxidant production, aging and degeneration are sure to follow.
Here's the problem. Nearly everyone produces too many free radicals. The majority of us have too much oxidative stress. And it only gets worse with age and with exposure to environmental, physical, and emotional stressors. The average person produces 300 sextillion free radicals every day. That's 300 with 21 zeros behind it.
That's 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 free radicals per day, every day.
It's no wonder that scientists have linked oxidative stress with literally hundreds of human diseases, including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and more. We are assaulted with 300 sextillion free radicals per day, and the number goes up with age and withstress of any kind.
The world's top scientists are definitely aware of how important the connection is between oxidative stress and disease. If you check out (the government database of biomedical research), you'll find that oxidative stress has been a very hot topic in recent years. Typing in "oxidative stress" on PubMed returns an astounding 98,945 references to oxidative stress in the scientific literature! And the list is growing every day. Click the image below to see for yourself.
You can see by now that free radicals are a big deal. You might also understand now why "antioxidant" has become such a buzzword in our culture. There can be little doubt that antioxidants are important, since they're the only things standing in the way of a vast army of unrelenting free radicals and our easily damaged cells. Antioxidants are now popping up on labels everywhere – on cereal boxes, baby food, supplements, "superfood" fruit juices, and more. The idea is that if you can just eat enough antioxidants in your diet, maybe you can offset – or even reverse – oxidative stress, and thus aging and disease.
Of course it's true that a diet rich in whole-food antioxidants is good for you. There's plenty of research showing the advantages of consuming dietary antioxidant foods like blueberries, chocolate, and red wine. However, there's one little problem. Remember that number I mentioned earlier? The one with all the zeroes?
300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Free Radicals.
Per day. Every day.
The problem is that the antioxidants you eat (known as direct, or "exogenous" antioxidants), such as vitamin C or vitamin E, have very short-lived effectiveness. Each antioxidant molecule is able to eliminate around one free radical. Then it's done. One molecule of vitamin C takes out one free radical molecule. Understanding this, it's absolutely staggering to think of how many exogenous antioxidants one would have to consume each day in order to neutralize 300 sextillion free radicals.
To put it in perspective, you would have to consume 15 lbs of chocolate, or 375 oranges, or 87 glasses of red wine, or 120 vitamin C capsules (500 mg/cap).
No one can do this, of course. And it's a good thing that the body doesn't rely on only exogenous antioxidants. It turns out that the body also makes its own antioxidants. A few of the most prominent ones are known as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase. These are super antioxidants, because they work a whole lot better than the antioxidants we eat. While a molecule vitamin C, for instance, can neutralize only one free radical molecule, one molecule of the body's self-made (endogenous) antioxidant SOD can neutralize one million free radicals. Impressed? But it gets better. The body's endogenous antioxidants neutralize one million free radicals per second, every second of every day.
The antioxidants you eat neutralize free radicals at a rate of 1:1.
The antioxidants you make neutralize free radicals at a rate of 1:1,000,000.
So would you rather focus on eating more antioxidants, or on finding ways to help your body produce more of its own antioxidants? The second option is literally one million times more effective.
Why Mess with a Good Thing?
But the inevitable question is, "If the body makes such great antioxidants, why is oxidative stress even a problem, and why do we need to do anything about it?"
One reason is simply that as we age, we become less efficient at producing these antioxidant enzymes. Meanwhile, free radical production simultaneously increases independently of the reduced antioxidant production. So we not only have increased free radicals to deal with, but we become less equipped to deal with them as time goes on.
Also, the reality is that we live in an increasingly toxic world, and each of us are unavoidably inundated with chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental toxins that undoubtedly increase oxidative stress. Thus, while oxidative stress increases with age, it is not just the aged who are affected by oxidative stress. Young people and even small children are susceptible to oxidative damage due to the impact of the toxic world we live in.
In other words, for various reasons our bodies can't keep up with the amount of free radicals that we're exposed to on a daily basis. We're falling short of producing the amount of antioxidant enzymes that we really need for living in today's world. And this is why eating blueberries, raspberries, chocolate, and red wine can be somewhat helpful. It helps to offset some of the free radical damage that the body can't keep up with on its own. But it's not the only way to fight back, and it's certainly not the best way. It doesn't even come close to dealing with the problem in a seriously significant way.
Harness the Power of Your Genes
What's a better way of dealing with this massive problem of oxidative stress? Instead of consuming obscene amounts of antioxidant supplements or foods, imagine if you could just "tell" your genes to start producing optimal amounts of those endogenous antioxidants we talked about earlier: SOD, catalase, and glutathione. This would definitely be the preferable option.
Protandim does exactly that. Its combination of five natural ingredients activates a transcription factor (a special kind of signaling protein) called Nrf2 that tells your genes to increase their production of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic enzymes!
This effect is so profound that a peer-reviewed study in 2006 showed that Protandim could reduce levels of oxidative stress in the body down to the level of a 20 year old! By the end of the study, the researchers could no longer tell a difference between the levels of oxidative stress of the 20 year old and that of the 80 year old! In other words, do you remember the age-dependent increase in oxidative stress that I mentioned earlier?
Protandim completely eliminated that. In 30 days.
Protandim causes a drop in oxidative stress by an average of 40% in 30 days, in every person, every single time. No other supplement or drug in the world has ever been shown to do this.
So was I. As a naturopathic doctor, I work in a field that is rife with charlatans, unproven claims, and worthless products. It has always been my goal to show my clients that “alternative medicine” can be just as science-based and rational as any other legitimate discipline.
So when I was introduced to Protandim, my immediate response was skepticism. Why? Because that’s my default predisposition when it comes to evaluating new supplements. And I think that’s a healthy predisposition to have in this business. It has to prove itself to me and meet my criteria for a promising preventative or therapeutic agent before I will give it my endorsement.
As a skeptic, I checked out Protandim as objectively as possible. In a market that is absolutely bloated with antioxidant and anti-aging type supplements, I honestly wasn’t too thrilled at the prospect of looking into yet another one, and I wasn’t expecting that I would find much, if anything, that was new or uniquely useful.
Boy was I wrong.
On, I found 10 peer-reviewed studies on Protandim. Not on the individual ingredients, but on the actual product itself, with the name of the supplement right in the studies.
Almost all of this research was funded, not by LifeVantage (the company that makes Protandim), but by the universities and institutions that were actually conducting the research. So almost all of the studies on Protandim were independently-funded, and the conclusions of these studies were overwhelmingly favorable:
- Protandim eliminated the age-related increase in cell-aging factors by increasing the body's antioxidant defenses. After just 30 days, oxidative stress declined by an average of 40%. The super antioxidants SOD and catalase increased by an average of 30% and 54%, respectively. (Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Jan. 15, 2006)
- Protandim decreased skin tumor incidence and multiplicity by 33 percent and 57 percent, respectively, and may be a novel approach to chemoprevention. (Enzyme Research, March 23, 2011)
- Protandim significantly increased antioxidant enzyme activity in veins while reducing free radical levels, lipid peroxidation and intimal proliferation. Protandim blocked intimal hyperplasia (i.e. it blocked the over-proliferation of cells that line the vessel wall, a common adverse event that limits the effectiveness of vascular surgery, stenting, etc.). (Free Radical Biology & Medicine, March 15, 2011)
- Protandim decreased oxidative stress by an average of 48 percent, reduced osteopontin (a glycoprotein involved in many diseases) by 57 percent, increased beneficial protective plasma PON1 activity by 35% and reduced fibrosis. (Journal of Deitary Supplements, June 1, 2010)
- Protandim induced antioxidant enzymes and reduced the incidence and multiplicity of skin tumors, and may be practical for cancer prevention. (PLoS One, April 22, 2009)
- Protandim protected animals' hearts by increasing the expression of protective genes and preventing the formation of scar tissue. Those treated with the Protandim experienced strong cardio-protectitive effects. (Circulation, Nov. 17, 2009)
- Protandim increases antioxidant enzymes and may be a practical and potent approach for cancer prevention. The suppression of p53 and induction of MnSOD may play an important role in the tumor suppressive activity of Protandim. (PLoS One, July 30, 2010)
- Protandim produced a 300% increase in glutathione, a key antioxidant and anti-aging factor. The antioxidant enzyme heme oxygenase 1 was also increased, Also, the supplement's patented formula provides a strong synergy much greater than the sum of its parts. (Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Feb. 1, 2009)
- Protandim, a potent composition of highly synergistic phytochemical Nrf2 activators, significantly modulates genetic expressionand pathways involving not only antioxidant enzymes, but also those related to colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer disease. (Molecular Aspects of Medicine, October 18, 2011)
And not only this, but I discovered that there are nearly 30 independently-funded studies underway at universities and institutions around the world. They see the unbelievable potential of Protandim, and they’re paying to research it with their own money. Some of these include:
- University of Colorado
- Denver Health Medical Center
- Children’s Hospital, Denver
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- Colorado State University
- University of Florida
- University of Kentucky
- University of Michigan
- Louisiana State University
- Ohio State University
- Vanderbilt University
- Glamorgan University, Wales
- Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden
- University Hospital, Brno, Czech Republic
- Mexican Institute of Social Security, Mexico City
Independent Investigation
I wasn’t the only one who was skeptical at first. When the broadcasting empire ABC caught wind of the patent claims of Protandim (of which there are now four), they decided to send investigative reporter John Quiñones to set the record straight.
Quiñones subjected himself to blood testing to measure his levels of oxidative stress. Would Protandim do what the patents claimed it could do? After just two weeks, he tested again.
The result? His levels of oxidative stress fell by 45%. This is precisely what the patents claim, and is exactly within the range we would predict based on the human clinical trial, where oxidative stress was reduced by an average of 40%.
In a separate interview, Quiñones also reported subjective improvements after 2 weeks on Protandim:
“I am sleeping better – I feel a lot better – and also energized when I wake up.” (Extra, 2005)
But don’t take my word for it. Watch the incredible ABC Primetime investigation here:
Still Skeptical?
Wanting to be thorough, I decided to do a little experiment of my own. I wanted to see firsthand if Protandim would reduce oxidative stress in one of my clients. She had a serum TBARS test done, the same type of test that was used in the original research. Here are the results prior to starting the Protandim:
As you can see, the lipid peroxides (TBARS) are slightly above average, indicating increasing levels of oxidative stress.
A little over 30 days later, we ran another TBARS test. Same exact person, same exact lab. Here are the results:
As you can see, oxidative stress has plummeted! In just over 30 days, oxidative stress declined by 46%. How's that for proof?
Once I saw the research, watched the ABC investigation, talked to numerous people who were using the product (including other practitioners), and did my own before/after testing, I knew that this was something I needed for myself, for my family, and for my clients.
This supplement is revolutionary, and it is credible. Did I mention that the formulator of Protandim is none other than Dr. Joe McCord, the discoverer of superoxide dismutase, and the father of the field of free radical biology? In 1997 he won the Elliott Cresson Medal for his discovery of free radical reactions in living organisms. Dr. McCord has been researching free radicals for over 40 years, and has published 138 peer-reviewed papers in the scientific literature.
Definitely not a “fly by night” scientist looking to make a quick buck on a hyped up supplement.
Do you want to reduce your levels of oxidative stress? Here’s a list of conditions that are associated with oxidative stress:
Alzheimer’s Disease
Barrett’s Esophagus
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Bipolar Disorder
Cardiovascular disease
Celiac Disease
Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Congestive Heart Failure
Crohn’s Disease
Erectile Dysfunction
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Kidney Stones
Lyme Disease
Macular Degeneration
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sleep Apnea
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
And the list could go on.
The science shows that Protandim reduces oxidative stress by 40%, in every person, every time.
Oxidative stress is implicated with all of the above diseases and over a hundred more.
Will Protandim “cure” or “prevent” diseases caused by oxidative stress? I certainly can’t make those kinds of claims, and besides, that kind of science hasn’t been done yet. But are you going to wait to find out? Again, oxidative stress causes disease, and Protandim dramatically reduces oxidative stress. If you want to take a supplement that holds enormous promise in the fight against aging and disease, look no further than Protandim.
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